236, 95%CI: 1 044 – 9 428, adj p = 0 015] (Table 2) Another fact

236, 95%CI: 1.044 – 9.428, adj p = 0.015] (Table 2). Another factor that affected the abundance of stool microbiota was the age of weaning to semisolids. Linear mixed model showed a decrease in abundance of Clostridium leptum group for every month of increase in weaning age [B: -0.827, 95%CI: -1.5934 - -0.0602, adj p = 0.035]. Table 2 Feeding habits and demographic factors affecting the relative abundance of microbial groups   Bacteria groups Mean differences (95% CI) p value Total breastfeeding: Yes versus No Lactobacilli – Enterococci 5.236 (1.044 – 9.428) 0.015 Weaning age Clostridium leptum -0.827 (-1.5934 – -0.0602) 0.035 Sibling number Bifidobacterium Enterobacteriaceae 3.873 (0.112 -7.634)

-0.526 (-0.8725 – -0.1801) 0.044 0.004 Linear mixed model analysis adjusted with confounding factors (Location, mode of delivery, weaning age, sibling number, total breastfeeding up to 6 month, eczema and CHIR98014 supplier prenatal antibiotics). Only bacteria AZD2281 manufacturer groups with statistically significant differences are listed. (D) Sibship Size Relative abundance of Bifidobacterium increased by 3.873% with every increase in sibling number [B: 3.873, 95%CI: 0.112 -7.634, adj p = 0.044]. On the other

hand, the abundance of Enterobacteriaceae decreased with each increase in sibship size [B: -0.526, 95%CI: -0.8725 Adriamycin purchase - -0.1801, adj p = 0.004] (Table 2). (E) Exposure to Antibiotics The relative abundance of Clostridium leptum group at 1 year of age was significantly higher for infants that reported their postnatal antibiotic intake at period of 6 months to 1 year of age [B: 5.706; adj p = 0.025], as compared to the infants

who did not consume antibiotics. Stool Microbial Richness/Diversity T-RFs of stool microbiota in SG and IN cohorts were obtained from three individual enzymatic digestions (i.e., AluI, MspI and RsaI), and compared for their microbial richness based on Shannon and Simpson Index. Microbial richness between the cohorts was considered different when both Shannon and Simpson Index from all three enzymatic digestions were significantly different. Abiraterone supplier Table 3 shows that there were no observable differences in the microbial richness of SG and IN cohorts at both 3 months and 12 months of age, both before and after adjusting for demographic confounders. In contrast, when the infants from both geographical locations were grouped according to their mode of delivery, microbial richness of stool microbiota in vaginal-delivered infants had a significantly higher microbial richness compared to caesarean-delivered infants at 12 months of age (Table 3). The microbial richness of stool microbiota did not correlate with other lifestyle factors. Table 3 Shannon and Simpson diversity index determined from T-RFLP profiles Time Index of diversity Location Mode of delivery       Indonesia (n = 19) Singapore (n = 29) Vaginal (n = 32) Caesarean (n = 16) 3 month Shannon AluI mean (SD) 1.648 (0.658)* 1.

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