6 While several amino acids are known to accumulate in response to osmotic stress, proline apparently has a specific protective role in the adaptation of plant cells to water deprivation and appears to be the preferred organic osmoticum in many plants.16 and 17 It helps in osmotic adjustment and protection of plasma membrane integrity and acts as a sink of energy or a reducing
power, as a source of carbon and nitrogen, and/or as a hydroxyl radical scavenger. Salinity stress may increase activities of proline biosynthetic enzymes and/or inhibit proline dehydrogenase (ProDH) activity.18 Studying salt stress is an important means to the understanding of plant ion homeostasis and osmo-balance. Salt stress research, benefits agriculture as soil salinity significantly GSK1120212 limits plant productivity on agricultural lands.19 It is evident from the literature that, properties of osmolytes are becoming increasingly useful in molecular biology, agriculture, biotechnology and medicine.20 and 21 Transfer of genes for osmolyte production from salt tolerant into salt-intolerant species is being used to adapt plants for saline Selleck Entinostat and drought conditions in agriculture.22 A variety of other stresses viz; oxidative, protein perturbing, etc. can also occur along with water stress, and many osmolytes probably have unique properties that protect cells from these
disturbances, either through cytoprotective metabolic reactions such as anti-oxidation or stabilization of macromolecules through water–solute or solute–macromolecule interactions.21 Among known compatible solutes, proline is the most widely distributed osmolyte.17 Proline, which increases proportionately faster than other amino acids in plants under water stress, the has been suggested as an evaluating parameter for irrigation scheduling and for selecting drought-resistant varieties.23 Stabilizers are used to prevent aggregation of IgG molecules during manufacture and storage. Proline is used in amino acid infusion material. A 3-h-intravenous infusion of an
amino acid mixture containing l-proline in healthy male volunteers did not result in increased glucose release from the kidneys24; implying that increased blood levels of glucose are not anticipated following l-proline stabilized IVIG infusion. From the literature, the present study intricacies to elucidate the role of osmolyte, accumulation of proline in wheat under the drought conditions of sodium chloride to regulate salt stress. Acid Ninhydrin, 3% Aqueous Sulphosalicyclic Acid, Glacial Acetic Acid, Benzene, Proline and Sodium Chloride were used of analytical reagent of standard company. Colorimeter (Systronics, India) was used for measuring the absorbance to detect the proline contents. Plant material Triticum aestivum was treated with different concentrations of sodium chloride ranging from 0.5 to 5.0 M and the one without the treatment was considered to be control. Plant tissue (0.