9) Depth-averaged sand percentages fall between 74 and 92% for a

9). Depth-averaged sand percentages fall between 74 and 92% for all samples analyzed; core-averaged organic matter percentages are between 1.5 and 2.4, respectively (Fig. 9). As cores show an overall low degree of grain-size variance with depth, likely attributed to a very high degree of bioturbation within the pond, depth-averaged percentages of organic matter were utilized in the construction of the pond-wide

correction factor for isolating the clastic sediment component (Co; Table 2 and Fig. 8). Maps of the 1974 and 2012 pond floor show sedimentation has most heavily affected the shore-proximal PD0332991 parts of the pond ( Fig. 7). An isopach map of post-1974 sediment thickness shows accretion of up to 1.5 m in select nearshore areas, which thins to the NE part of the basin, where only 0–25 cm of positive elevation change are recorded ( Fig. 7C and D). The total volume of post-1974 sediment in the pond approximates 6228 m3 based on the data. A dry inorganic sediment

weight is calculated from this measured sediment volume by applying factors for core compaction (Cc), organic sediment fraction (Co), and volume-to-weight conversion (Cvw) as shown in Fig. 8. Fig. 10 shows the spatial distribution of values for each of these conversion/correction factors used. Using this approach of spatial integration of correction values selleck inhibitor the calculated weight of inorganic sediment in Lily Pond sequestered since 1974 approximates 4,825,618 kg; this number decreases to 807,330 kg applying the lowest correction/conversion values as a spatial constant and 10,083,331 kg using the highest ( Table 3), providing an error envelope based on empirical data. All USLE factors used in the model are assumed to be well-constrained with the exception of the C-factor. Land managers interested PAK5 in developing similar USLE models for their particular regions of interest

would face the same dilemma given that data on soil, climate, and topographic variables are more easily accessed than detailed land-cover data. K-factors generally do not vary by an excessive range as do C-factors, which can show a very high degree of spatial and temporal variance; soils within the study area, for example, are comparable in their textural and compositional characteristics and therefore have similar K-values ( Lessig et al., 1971). The R-factor varies tremendously over the short-term (at the event-scale); however, the USLE operates on a long-term basis and applies an empirically constrained, time-averaged R-value, which varies little over large spatial scales ( Wischmeier and Smith, 1965). The SL-factor is invariable over time and tightly constrained from digital terrain analyses using a USGS 3 m DEM. The C-factor, shown to exert the single strongest control on soil-erosion model variance ( Toy et al., 1999), remains an unconstrained factor.

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