Implementation The classification tool for group A rotaviruses (R

Implementation The classification tool for group A rotaviruses (RotaC v1.0) is written in java with a simple object model in order to make it easy to maintain the code. The interface of the website is written in perl. The RotaC tool can analyze up to a 1000 nucleotide sequences in ‘strict’ FASTA-format (a first line with a sequence identifier preceded by ‘>’, followed by a second line with the sequence). The analysis of nucleotide sequences with a length below 500 bases is not suitable according to the RCWG guidelines and is not allowed in the RotaC tool. The

genotyping process consists of several subsequent steps. In a first step, the appropriate gene segment is identified by comparing the query sequence SB273005 solubility dmso with a full genome reference alignment consisting of well-characterized group A rotavirus

sequences and by the neighbor-joining algorithm. After the recognition of the segment of origin, the query sequence is aligned using the profile alignment functions of Clustal W v2.0[7] with a reference alignment of the appropriate segment (detailed information about the alignments used with the RotaC tool can be found on http://​rotac.​regatools.​be). In a second step, a distance matrix, based on pairwise alignments with the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm [8], and a phylogenetic Selleckchem LEE011 tree based on the neighbor-joining algorithm using Glutamate dehydrogenase the Paup* software [9] are constructed and analyzed to

identify the genotype of the query sequence by using the nucleotide identity cut-off values summarized in Table 1. The reliability of the clustering of the neighbor-joining tree is assessed using 100 bootstrap replicates, considering 70% as the cut-off value. If the query sequence has a shared identity of at least 3% above the appropriate cut-off value with an established genotype, the query sequence is considered as a member of that specific genotype. If the shared identity is at least 3% below the cut-off value, the query sequence is considered as a new genotype of the proper rotavirus segment. For identities less than 3% below or above the cut-off value, the tool provides only tentative conclusions. In this case, it is recommended to send the sequence to the Rotavirus Classification Working Group for further phylogenetic analysis and correct identification of the genotype. For queries covering less than 50% of the ORF region, no conclusion will be drawn.

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