The most recent study of reference genes in colon cancer was reported by Kheirelseid et al., 2010, where 64 colorectal tumours and tumour associated normal specimens were examined using qRT-PCR followed by three different statistical algorithms, geNorm, NormFinder and qBaseplus [30]. Kheirelseid et al., 2010, found that the combination of two reference genes, B2M and PPIA, more accurately normalized qRT-PCR data in colorectal cancer. This is in concordance with our findings, where PPIA was one of the two genes identified as the most stable pair. In contrast, B2M was identified as one of the most variable genes in the tissue examined. This disparity may be explained by the difference
in patient material since find more Kheirelseid et al., 2010, included all stages of colon cancer and even included rectum tumour samples. Furthermore the percentage of tumour cells in the samples was not addressed. In the study of Kheirelseid et al., 2010, all three algorithms confirmed the selection of the B2M and PPIA pairing as the best combination of reference genes. In the present study however, the geNorm algorithm differs from the results
obtained by NormFinder. According to geNorm HPRT1 and PPIA were the most suitable genes for normalization, but NormFinder suggested IPO8 and PPIA. This discrepancy confirms previous results reported by Caradec et al., 2010, concluding that the evaluation of suitable reference genes dramatically differs according to the statistical method used [12]. Caradec et al., 2010, investigated reference Lorlatinib in vitro genes in four cell lines treated with four different oxygen concentrations, and observed large variations in gene expression results depending of statistical method used.
Thus Caradec et al., 2010, recommended Ct coefficients of variation (CtCV%) calculation for each reference gene for validation of the statistical methods. It is defined as the ratio of the standard deviation ifoxetine to the mean. Genes with low CtCV% value indicate more stable expression of those genes. In the present study, IPO8 was the most stable gene on the basis of CtCV% (5.12%), followed by GUSB (5.55%) and HPRT1 (6.04%) as the second and third most stable gene. Using NormFinder IPO8 was one of the genes which were identified as the most stable pair of genes, which may indicate that the CtCV% verifies the NormFinder results. Nevertheless, PPIA, which was suggested by both geNorm and NormFinder as one of the stable pair of genes, was ranked as the tenth most stable gene with a CtCV% of 7.34%. This may be explained by the low Ct mean of this particular gene (18.0), resulting in a relatively high CtCV% despite a low standard deviation. Another aspect which strengthens the results GSK872 achieved by NormFinder compared with geNorm is the argument that geNorm lacks robustness compared with NormFinder [32].