The pericellular space is filled with a proteoglycan rich matrix with tethering fibers that attach the process to the canalicular wall [32]. Any
mechanical loading-driven interstitial fluid flow through the pericellular space is dominated by this matrix since it controls both the hydraulic resistance and the size of the molecules that can be convected for nutritional needs. Piekarski and Munro [14] were the first to propose that mechanical loading induced fluid flow in bone and that this was necessary for both nutrition and waste removal. Early models of an VE821 osteonal fluid flow neglected both the presence of the cell process and the pericellular matrix in the canaliculi [33]. More refined selleck kinase inhibitor models that considered both structures showed that the load-induced fluid flow was driven radially inward from the cement line of an osteon toward the osteonal canal, and that the relaxation time for this behavior matched well with the decay of streaming potentials when the molecular sieve for the matrix was roughly the size of albumin (7 nm) [34]. This theoretical prediction was confirmed by Wang et al. [35] who delineated the bone’s
interstitial fluid pathway in vivo using tracers varying in size from procion red to ferritin. These studies emphasized the importance of mechanically induced flow for the transport of metabolites to and from osteocytes in an osteon, to ensure osteocyte viability. Numerous tracer studies have been conducted, which are summarized by Fritton and Weinbaum [36]. These studies show that the size of the molecular sieve is slightly greater than horseradish peroxidase (~ 6 nm) [37] and [38], easily allows the passage of microperoxidase (~ 2 nm), and that a small tracer, such as procion red (~ 1 nm), is confined within the boundaries of the LCS [37] and [35]. One can show using fiber matrix theory that the fluid shearing stresses on the cell process would be 20–30 times greater if this matrix were not present. This is of
great importance Tobramycin in comparing fluid shearing stresses in vivo and in culture studies. While theoretical models have been used to predict fluid flow in the LCS due to mechanical loading it has been much more difficult to demonstrate this experimentally. Wang et al. [39] have developed a novel technique that combines fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) with confocal microscopy to directly measure real time solute movement in intact bones. In this technique, the movement of a vitally injected fluorescent dye between individual lacunae can be visualized in situ with laser scanning confocal microscopy. For unloaded bone one can determine the diffusion coefficient of fluorescein and determine from this measured value and the molecular size the mesh pore size of the pericellular matrix confirming the ~ 7 nm estimated from tracer studies. Su et al.