Using satellite transmitters, we compared movement patterns of 10 rehabilitated pups Gemcitabine with 10 wild weaned pups. When released, rehabilitated seals were longer and heavier than wild pups, while wild pups had a larger mean axillary girth. No clinically different blood parameters were detected. On average, rehabilitated harbor seal pups traveled nearly twice as far cumulatively, almost three times as far daily,
and dispersed over three times as far from the release site compared to wild weaned seals. Additionally, wild harbor seals transmitted nearly twice as long as did rehabilitated seals. These patterns suggest that learned behavior during the brief 3–4 wk nursing period likely enables wild harbor seal pups to move less daily and remain closer to their weaning site than rehabilitated pups. “
“The Gompertz function is the most commonly used growth function for cetacean studies. However, this function cannot represent multiple phases of growth. In this study, we present a Bayesian framework fitting parameters of a triple-logistic growth function
to describe multiple phases of growth for bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), simultaneously fitting and comparing selleck chemical all growth parameters between South Carolina (SC), Mississippi Sound (MSS), and Indian River Lagoon (IRL) cohorts. The fitted functions indicated a preliminary early, rapid growth phase, followed by a second phase of slower growth, and then a moderate growth spurt later in life. Growth parameters between geographic cohorts did not show obvious differences, although asymptotic length for SC dolphins was lower than MSS and IRL dolphins and crotamiton significantly lower between females from SC and the IRL. Growth rate velocities between the sexes showed
females exceed males initially (<1 yr), followed by males gaining an advantage around the ages of 3–4 yr until the age of around 15 yr when growth rates for both sexes approached zero (asymptotic length). This study demonstrates age-related changes in growth rates between bottlenose dolphin sexes and evidence of at least some differences (i.e., asymptotic length) across geographic cohorts. "
“Marker-loss is a common feature of mark–recapture studies and important as it may bias parameter estimation. A slight alteration in tag-site of double tagged southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina), marked at Marion Island from 1983 to 2005 in an ongoing mark–recapture program, had important consequences for tag-loss. We calculated age-specific tag-retention rates and cumulative tag-retention probabilities using a maximum likelihood model selection approach in the software application TAG_LOSS 3.2.0. Under the tag-loss independence assumption, double tag-loss of inner interdigital webbing tags (IIT; 17 cohorts) remained below 1% in the first 5 yr and increased monotonically as seals aged, with higher tag-loss in males. Lifetime cumulative IIT tag-loss was 11.9% for females and 18.