Everolimus RAD001 small gestational age and preterm birth

187 to evaluate with UC and pregnancy outcome in patients with IBD. They showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the incidence of miscarriages, premature births, cesarean section, birth defects or birth weight, compared with Bev Lkerung of pregnant women are not IBD. Maternal age of 35 years was the only risk factor associated with birth defects and premature births. Smoking was also an increased Found HTES risk for premature births. However, most patients were in remission on maintenance therapy, and they had a small number of patients on immunomodulators.36 patients with active disease have h Higher risk for adverse outcomes which are in remission but were only 19% of the women concerned about the effect of the activity t of the disease itself on pregnancy.3 Many patients are concerned that the drugs would harm DCI pregnancy as demonstrated by the drug behavior. She and her partner should have the M Possibility of disease exacerbation may need during the pregnancy should be advised if treatment is stopped. However Behandlungsm vary Opportunities may need during the pregnancy on the preferences of individual patients Krankheitsaktivit t and concern about the potential toxicity of t drug dependent Dependent. The risks and benefits of continuing the save Everolimus RAD001 operation, maintenance therapy may need during the pregnancy should be discussed and the best proof for the patients and their partners. over 50% of pregnancies are unplanned, so it is important that at the time of diagnosis or at the first drug to be started to discuss practical issues related to pregnancy with their patients. Based on available studies and literature results, patients should be informed that there is little risk of small for small gestational age and preterm birth, but this risk appears to be primarily associated with controlled Diseases of the poor did, t, that the diagnosis itself.
Question 2: What is the idea Pr conditioning Ue medical care she needs the IBD patients Ern Guide therapy. Pregnant women with active IBD who are not on the weight of his It may be a reasonable Ern Hrungs intervention. Total parenteral Ern Currency may in patients severely ill IBD necessary because they suffer from life-saving in pregnant women Unterern Currency, and it was shown that in fetal growth.37 folic F acid, calcium, vitamin D Rdern folic acid is important as a neural tube defect can occur when the design is found, it will give to all women rf recommended bearing age. In a recent study, only 65% of women knew the advantage that the intake of folic Acid prior to the receiver Prison and w During the first trimester of pregnancy.38 Women with IBD have a gr Eren risk of folic acid deficiency, especially with the CD player with a low AKT residue Ern currency and to drugs such as sulfasalazine, associated with the metabolism of folic acid st ren. 39 Therefore they should be encouraged, folic acid 5 mg Per day, which is more than 1 mg / day is recommended for healthy patients into account. Pregnant women of corticosteroids should be encouraged to take calcium and vitamin D to prevent bone loss. Raucherentw hnung. Smoking has been shown to reduce the risk of developing CD increased to Deteriorate and activity of hen t of the disease, may need during the Raucherentw is Hnung been shown to improve and worsen CD UC.40 smoking may have entered duringpregnancy Dinner in placenta previa, premature placental solution.

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