While they also may have served as “ammunition” for anti-vaccinat

While they also may have served as “ammunition” for anti-vaccination groups arguing that STI vaccination at an early age is unnecessary [25], it is important to recognize the global burden of hepatitis B virus infection

among infants and young children, making early vaccination a key component of the comprehensive strategy for eradication [39]. The strength of national recommendations may also influence HCP Modulators communication about STI vaccines. For example, the click here U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) initially issued a permissive recommendation for HPV vaccination of adolescent males (2010), which was later followed by a universal recommendation (2011) [40]. This initial weaker recommendation has

likely impacted HCP beliefs about the importance of this vaccine for adolescent males. Ku-0059436 cell line Although no studies to date have examined its effect on HPV vaccination coverage, lower uptake among adolescent males could be anticipated given the HCP role in recommending and offering the vaccine [41]. Funding of STI vaccination programs may also affect HCP communication about STI vaccines. While the HPV vaccine has been licensed for use in adolescent males in Australia since mid-2010, the National Immunization Program did not publically fund HPV vaccination of males through their school-based programs until 2013 [42] and [43]. This has likely influenced HCP communication about HPV vaccination with their adolescent male patients, given that HCP recommendations are often tied to reimbursement [44]. The endorsement of national vaccination recommendations by health agencies, professional societies, and colleagues has been shown to positively influence HCPs [7], [45], [46], [47], [48] and [49]. Two-thirds of Asian physicians surveyed stated that a recommendation from their government or Ministry of Health would increase their likelihood

of recommending HPV vaccination to patients [7]. Greater support and adoption of hepatitis B vaccination recommendations among pediatricians compared to family Sclareol physicians may reflect earlier professional organization endorsement and more positive attention within the medical literature for pediatricians compared to family physicians [36] and [49]. This could also have contributed to the higher hepatitis B vaccine uptake among adolescents seen by pediatricians compared to family physicians [36]. Media attention to vaccination policies is another influence on HCP communication. This may be illustrated by the heated public conversation surrounding HPV vaccine school mandates in the United States, which drew attention to the newness of the HPV vaccine, including its limited long-term safety data, as well as the pharmaceutical industry’s lobbying of policymakers [50]. This created negative press, including within the scientific community [51] and [52].

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